Campus Hiring
Employability of the millions of young people graduating from technical institutes, colleges and universities has been a chronic problem for industry. In addition to this, companies hiring from campuses across India are faced with the additional challenges of selecting the appropriate campus to visit, understanding campus trends, branding themselves at campus, managing the logistics of coordinating with the placement offices on various campuses, setting the dates of various visits (pre placement student interaction, interviews etc.), conducting assessments and following up with graduating students before joining, all of which comes at considerable effort and cost. Employability of the millions of young people graduating from technical institutes, colleges and universities has been a chronic problem for industry. In addition to this, companies hiring from campuses across India are faced with the additional challenges of selecting the appropriate campus to visit, understanding campus trends, branding themselves at campus, managing the logistics of coordinating with the placement offices on various campuses, setting the dates of various visits (pre placement student interaction, interviews etc.), conducting assessments and following up with graduating students before joining, all of which comes at considerable effort and cost.
We at Apt Talent Providers engineers and executes solutions to address these corporate challenges. The team’s mission is to enable industry-academia interaction, reach out to young minds and help them realize their career aspirations while helping the corporate world discover the finest talent graduating from academic institutions across the country.